Geometry in Food
I know, you’re probably wondering what all this is about.
Shapes in food! you can’t be serious
In some fruit and vegetables there are naturally occurring geometric shapes. Shapes that indicate growth patterns. Number sequences that better our understanding of natural growth.
We just need to open our eyes and really look and before you know it you see them everywhere. There are geometric patterns in nature to be found everywhere, with a little guidance children can become experts at discovering them.
Simple Geometry for children.
Spotting these shapes can become a simple geometry project for kids. We’ve called this ‘shape hunting’ and it doesn’t have to be restricted to fruit and vegetables either. There are patterns everywhere to be found in nature.
Start with a few of these links to discover more:
- 5 Point Star in nature
- geometry in veg
- fibonacci numbers and a cabbage
- shape hunting in spring garden
- geometric fruit for kids lunchboxes
- you want to get really fruity (pardon the pun!) then move onto to dodecahedrons in pomegranates
Its not just food that holds the only geometric patterns found in nature for kids, try the shape hunting in the garden to find out more.
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