The 365 Nature Journal Month by Month
If you haven’t started at the beginning of the year no worries, it’s not really essential to move through the 365 Nature Journal like a normal calendar. What is important is that it increases your observation and connection to nature.
Keep it as playful as possible. The 365 Nature Journal is the sum of its parts. It is an accumulative experience that will build on regular observations and activities. Building your connection to nature is something that will happen gradually until suddenly you realise you miss it if you haven’t enjoyed the outdoors for a bit.
Sometimes it will be easier than other times. In the winter months just encourage getting outside to glimpse something, and make the most of those glimpses. In the warmer months – set challenges to stay out all day.
below is a summary of the months and click through to get all the info you need to fully make the most of the 365 Nature journal and build your connection to nature.
Plenty of encouragements to stay physical at this dark time of the year and a few crafts to bring indoors. Also beginning our study of bird habits by observing and putting out food.
Looking out for the early signs of spring and animals moving about. Prompts to notice the changing light levels and sun. Candlemas poems. Begin making plans for the growing season.
A sudden flurry of spring can come suddenly, plenty of prompts to look out for. First intro of an awareness of shapes in the daffodil at this time of year and few nature games to get you outside.
Begin studies of bird watching and tadpoles with help of the download sheets. Start sowing some of those seeds you chose in February. More encouragements to observe the new season coming alive.
Measure rainfall throughout this month. Air is full of inspiration so try to be outside loads with lots of imagination activities. Swan, birds and ducks all have families now, keep a watch for them.
Begins with pressing your flower collection that will be revisited at the end of the month. Lots of small things to do with an emphasis on being outside and celebrating the season.
Traditionally the beginning of a holiday season that may take you to new areas. An introduction of tidal patterns if you are at the seaside. More nature crafts and games. Good time for studying tree leaves and try to make them long days outside.
We pick up on noticing the change in times of the sunset from last month, and the caterpillar incubation. Revisit our understanding of tidal patterns and generally try to enjoy active pursuits outside.
As well as collecting the fallen leaves of the past season we look forward to the promise of nature that will come with the next year’s season in the new buds or the migrating habits of the birds. This time of year is good for spotting shapes in seed pods too.
Lots of autumn crafts and observations with conkers and pine cones and beech nuts. throughout the October we observe the shapes of the moon and make a comparison of the shapes at the end of the month
An encouragement to feel the change in the air temperature from September’s. Raise our eyes skyward for glimpses of the star constellations. Enjoy taking hot food and drinks outside.
This month is shaped by the move through advent and also several christmas decorations to make. Introduction of hexagonal geometry in snowflakes and a few small jobs to be active outside. Which brings us back to january.