William graduated from Lancaster University with an Honors degree in Scientific and Natural history Illustration in 2001.
Currently he is based in Rosscarbery, Co. Cork and works as a self employed artist. William uses both traditional and digital media to produce artwork of a very high standard. His work has been sold in galleries and exhibitions. In 2007 he mounted a successful solo show at the interactive art studio, Clonakilty Co. Cork. William’s work has been used to illustrate several books and publications, including the “Run Swift Run Free” children’s book series by Tom McCaughren. He has also produced artwork for several installations including the very well received New Roads New Discoveries exhibition held in the Cork Public Museum in 2008. Recently William provided the artwork used to illustrate the history of Cork harbour for signage on the Spike Island tourist trail, Co. Cork.
William prides himself on producing artwork which is dynamic, accurate and accessible to all.