How to use the Stitch Upon a Star kits to understand the qualities of the number 5 through nature and craft.
The form of the number 5 connects us to the natural world and the universe. When we see how to ‘Stitch Upon a Star’ we begin to see the infinite regenerative qualities of the number 5.
It is a journey into seeing and understanding it. A journey which can be taken at any age. This craft activity takes a little of that journey and lets our hearts embrace an understanding while our hands are stitching this new language onto the face of the flower.
The guide includes an introduction to the infinite qualities of the number 5 in the many forms it takes. We come to understand the archetype of 5 and how this is expressed in the flowers that we see.
There is a language of pattern and symmetry throughout the natural world
The instructions are aimed at beginner level (beginner embroiderer and beginner geometer) so the kit can be used in families. Once an understanding of the simple symmetry is gained the creative possibilities are endless.
Name your price for Stitch Upon a Star
The kits can be purchased from The Smart Happy Project and you can name the price you feel is best suited to your situation and to the value you receive.