Every coat pocket has them in, and many gather at the rim of the washing machine having been tucked in jeans at the beach and then long forgotten about.
Seashells, irresistable when they sparkle at the shoreline and I always feel rich when a have a handful of newly found shells.
It is perhaps a more fortunate destiny to have a taste for collecting shells than to be born a millionaire – Robert Louis Stevenson
There is a long ancient tradition of shells as currency. What was found tucked in the sand or seabed on one shore was considered royal goods in far off foreign lands.
The trade in shells continues, every seaside gift shop abounds with so many. But there is nothing quite like your own treasures found on the shoreline. They hold memories of that holiday or time with friends.
Kids are great collectors. They have such interest in gathering natural finds, with just a few tips on storing and displaying these shells they can be worthy of the place on the shelf or wall. Displaying shells doesn’t have to be intricate, the shells themselves do the work. A simple display box or frame is often all that needed.
How to display shells
This is what my daughter did with her summer seashell collection. It can become an easy seashell crafts for kids. Its a simple shell display idea. All you need is:
- some sort of shell display box with dividers,
- tissue paper
- PVA glue.
