This article sheds some light onto what the Fibonacci Rabbit Riddle is. The Fibonacci rabbit riddle illustrates a self accumulating growth sequence. The origins of the riddle are quite interesting. It was actually a side note to a much bigger discovery Fibonacci had made which he was explaining in a book. This discovery is actually […]
Beechnut and Geometry
Many people love beechnuts and many people love geometry. But did you know you can experience them together? The beechnut and geometry. I have noticed that the shapes inside the beechnut resemble very closely the beginning constructions of geometry patterns. The geometry of seeds I love collecting seeds from trees. They always display such great […]
Seeds that travel
Seeds that travel Many flowers and plants around us may have arrived from somewhere else. They are plants with seeds that travel. That somewhere may be far away or it may be just up along the road. Whichever it is, how do seeds travel? Seeds that travel do it for the same reasons but they […]
String, Straight-edge and Shadow
String, Straight-edge and Shadow The Story of Geometry by Julia E Diggins, Floris Books Mixing history and legend this intriguing book explores geometry’s greatest discoveries and through stories and illustrations explains the geometric principles which underpin mathematics in our world FLORIS BOOKS The tradition that we call GEOMETRY is so very much part of life […]
Natural Collections in a chocolate box
Natural collections in a chocolate box Many people ask me about suitable display boxes for their natural collections. There are lots of ways to display and it is something I get really into. Anything that already has dividers is great. we previously did a shell collection in an ice cube tray. One of my favourites […]