It is early in that season of blind faith and believing in what seems the unbelievable. It’s time for sowing seeds. Sowing seeds On wet, grey days I have prepped a few pots for early sowing seeds, even stuck potatoes in the boggy wet ground hardly daring to think that I might harvest something from them […]
The Winter of our Disconnect
How Three Totally Wired Teenagers (and a Mother Who Slept with Her iPhone) Pulled the Plug on Their Technology and Lived to Tell the Tale. By Susan Maushart. A book review by Linda Coyle – speech and language therapist While I’m great at encouraging families I work with in my practise the value of reading, I’m […]
Midsummer madness
Here we are in midsummer and there’s a global event which happens to us all this weekend. Midsummer and the Summer Solstice June 21st brings the Summer Solstice of midsummer in the northern hemisphere. Right now we are experiencing long daylight hours and barmy summer evenings. (at least I hope we are!) the dark days of the winter seem […]
Kids Garden Ideas
Garden Camping With the summer nearly upon us, I’m excited to make the most of the first good weather so I’m full of kids garden ideas. Garden camping has always been on the top of the list. Spending a night garden camping out with the kids in your own backyard doesn’t have to be a […]
5 Benefits of Nature to Families
Introducing Shelley Hutchinson, an accredited counsellor specialising in trauma and relationship issues who has written for us on the benefits of nature to families. Read Shelley’s profile. 5 Benefits of Nature to parents and kids Shelley says: “Spending time in nature can be beneficial to your family’s mental, emotional and physical wellbeing. […]