How to find Hearts in Nature Being able to improve observation skills begins with actually taking the time to look. We all love the Heart emoji, but lets free it from its smartphone home and see where it appears in natural form. Ten places to find Hearts in Nature Celandine The humble Celandine has always […]
Seeds that travel
Seeds that travel Many flowers and plants around us may have arrived from somewhere else. They are plants with seeds that travel. That somewhere may be far away or it may be just up along the road. Whichever it is, how do seeds travel? Seeds that travel do it for the same reasons but they […]
Nature Crowns
How to make Nature Crowns. A quick ‘how to’ post on making these Nature Crowns. Everyone wants to be a Tribal Lord or Forest Queen so suitable headgear is a must! This is an activity featured in The 365 Nature Journal on April 18th, although its good for anytime of the year! We did these […]
Messy Maths
Messy Maths by Juliet Robertson A Playful, Outdoor Approach for Early Years – Crown House Publishing I have always been a big fan of Juliet Robertson. Her Creative Star Learning website is a fountain of ideas for teaching outside. This book was as good as I hoped. It is a vital resource for teachers to […]
Circles in Nature
Circles in Nature On the most simplistic level we see shapes, circles and symmetry in nature all around us. But that is not all, we can delve much deeper. There is no better place to observe the different scales and dimensions of the natural world than in the study of the circle in nature and […]