String, Straight-edge and Shadow The Story of Geometry by Julia E Diggins, Floris Books Mixing history and legend this intriguing book explores geometry’s greatest discoveries and through stories and illustrations explains the geometric principles which underpin mathematics in our world FLORIS BOOKS The tradition that we call GEOMETRY is so very much part of life […]
What are the Cross Quarter Days?
What are the Cross Quarter Days? Naturally, I love this because it’s all about the geometry of the world and its journey, the passing of time, and how we observe the journey of the seasons. The Wheel of the year goes as you can see in the geometry. the Solstices divide the year in half […]
Painting the pinecone spiral
Painting the Pinecone Spiral I love this natural craft activity and I could do it again and again. Finding the pinecone spiral and tracing its pattern in paint is such a simple exercise that improves observation skills, nurtures the Waldorf ethos and brings about an awareness of the patterns in natural forms that indicate the […]
Nature Crowns
How to make Nature Crowns. A quick ‘how to’ post on making these Nature Crowns. Everyone wants to be a Tribal Lord or Forest Queen so suitable headgear is a must! This is an activity featured in The 365 Nature Journal on April 18th, although its good for anytime of the year! We did these […]
Messy Maths
Messy Maths by Juliet Robertson A Playful, Outdoor Approach for Early Years – Crown House Publishing I have always been a big fan of Juliet Robertson. Her Creative Star Learning website is a fountain of ideas for teaching outside. This book was as good as I hoped. It is a vital resource for teachers to […]