Many people love beechnuts and many people love geometry. But did you know you can experience them together? The beechnut and geometry. I have noticed that the shapes inside the beechnut resemble very closely the beginning constructions of geometry patterns. The geometry of seeds I love collecting seeds from trees. They always display such great […]
Seeds that travel
Seeds that travel Many flowers and plants around us may have arrived from somewhere else. They are plants with seeds that travel. That somewhere may be far away or it may be just up along the road. Whichever it is, how do seeds travel? Seeds that travel do it for the same reasons but they […]
What are the Cross Quarter Days?
What are the Cross Quarter Days? Naturally, I love this because it’s all about the geometry of the world and its journey, the passing of time, and how we observe the journey of the seasons. The Wheel of the year goes as you can see in the geometry. the Solstices divide the year in half […]
Sun prints of Natural objects
Making photographic style sun prints of natural objects. Those long heady days of summer seem to be drifting away. The kids are back behind desks and I realise there were so many activities I wanted to do with them during the summer that didn’t happen. All good intentions seem to have gotten lost in amongst […]
12 days of Christmas
The 12 days of Christmas. This is my natural and Smart Happy spin on the rhyme of the 12 days of Christmas. Enjoy humming the tune as you read and I hope you get a chance to take a moment each day to spy these natural numbers around you. For true lovers.. Some items may […]