Top Netflix recommendation for you. My Octopus Teacher. You have to watch this. I can’t recommend this film enough. Actually left me speechless. Since reading the book Other Minds by Peter Godfrey Smith on the study of octopus intelligence I’ve been a secret octopus nerd. This film puts all that understanding into beautiful camera work […]
Nature Crowns
How to make Nature Crowns. A quick ‘how to’ post on making these Nature Crowns. Everyone wants to be a Tribal Lord or Forest Queen so suitable headgear is a must! This is an activity featured in The 365 Nature Journal on April 18th, although its good for anytime of the year! We did these […]
Adjusting my Nature Settings
Where are my Nature Settings? In this world of fast paced connectivity, I realised there was one connection that I’d lost. And I was missing it. It’s quiet absence had left me unbalanced. My health and mental well-being had plummeted and it took me a while to work out what was missing. Nature. But I […]
Galls – shape shifters of the insect world
Galls; the shape shifters of the wasp world I discovered galls from a documentary about the oak tree.. since then I’ve been looking for them everywhere. My aim is to collect all the different types, but I might have to travel far flung places. To create Knopper galls the Gall Wasps lay eggs in the […]
The Winter of our Disconnect
How Three Totally Wired Teenagers (and a Mother Who Slept with Her iPhone) Pulled the Plug on Their Technology and Lived to Tell the Tale. By Susan Maushart. A book review by Linda Coyle – speech and language therapist While I’m great at encouraging families I work with in my practise the value of reading, I’m […]