During my study of number as form in nature I always slightly overlooked the number TWO and with it the understanding of the Dyad. It was the numbers THREE and SIX that always drew my fascination and after that I was drawn to the wonders of FIVE as an archetype in natural forms. Number Two […]
My Octopus Teacher- film review
Top Netflix recommendation for you. My Octopus Teacher. You have to watch this. I can’t recommend this film enough. Actually left me speechless. Since reading the book Other Minds by Peter Godfrey Smith on the study of octopus intelligence I’ve been a secret octopus nerd. This film puts all that understanding into beautiful camera work […]
Hearts in Nature
How to find Hearts in Nature Being able to improve observation skills begins with actually taking the time to look. We all love the Heart emoji, but lets free it from its smartphone home and see where it appears in natural form. Ten places to find Hearts in Nature Celandine The humble Celandine has always […]
String, Straight-edge and Shadow
String, Straight-edge and Shadow The Story of Geometry by Julia E Diggins, Floris Books Mixing history and legend this intriguing book explores geometry’s greatest discoveries and through stories and illustrations explains the geometric principles which underpin mathematics in our world FLORIS BOOKS The tradition that we call GEOMETRY is so very much part of life […]
Natural Collections in a chocolate box
Natural collections in a chocolate box Many people ask me about suitable display boxes for their natural collections. There are lots of ways to display and it is something I get really into. Anything that already has dividers is great. we previously did a shell collection in an ice cube tray. One of my favourites […]