How do birds fly? the biomechanics of bird flight for kids The biomechanics of how birds fly in 7 steps Its about different forces at work To get into the air, birds need to overcome forces that keep them on the ground on slow them down, with the help of other forces that are […]
The Wonder Journal – How do birds fly?
Have you ever wondered about birds? How do birds fly? Have you ever sat somewhere very quietly and watched birds. Have you often wondered ‘How do birds fly?’ for a while and discovered how clever they are? There are so many wonderful things they do every day which many people never even notice because they don’t […]
The Wonder Journal
A diary of nature observation and discovery activities. Today is the day, introducing the Smart Happy Project’s first collaborator with the launch of a new nature journal. Really excited! Moving on from our last post on Richard Louv and the sense of wonder in children, Sophie Rees brings us ‘The Wonder Journal’, a diary of […]