Many people love beechnuts and many people love geometry. But did you know you can experience them together? The beechnut and geometry. I have noticed that the shapes inside the beechnut resemble very closely the beginning constructions of geometry patterns. The geometry of seeds I love collecting seeds from trees. They always display such great […]
Seeds that travel
Seeds that travel Many flowers and plants around us may have arrived from somewhere else. They are plants with seeds that travel. That somewhere may be far away or it may be just up along the road. Whichever it is, how do seeds travel? Seeds that travel do it for the same reasons but they […]
Galls – shape shifters of the insect world
Galls; the shape shifters of the wasp world I discovered galls from a documentary about the oak tree.. since then I’ve been looking for them everywhere. My aim is to collect all the different types, but I might have to travel far flung places. To create Knopper galls the Gall Wasps lay eggs in the […]
Stories told by Trees
Stories really can be told by trees. By looking at the marks, the colour of branches, the shapes that are seen in trees we can learn so much about the tree and what has happened to it during its life. We can see what the growing conditions are like throughout its life, we need only […]
The Wonder Journal
A diary of nature observation and discovery activities. Today is the day, introducing the Smart Happy Project’s first collaborator with the launch of a new nature journal. Really excited! Moving on from our last post on Richard Louv and the sense of wonder in children, Sophie Rees brings us ‘The Wonder Journal’, a diary of […]