Trivium 21st Century by Martin Robinson, Crown House Publishing. Preparing young people for the future with lessons from the past. Trivium 21st Century by Martin Robinson has a surprising appeal, especially to those who may place themselves at the progressive end of the educational spectrum. You discover that Martin Robinson wants what we all want […]
A Journey through geometry books
A journey through geometry books Never have been a genius at maths in school, I couldn’t have imagined in later life I’d get a sudden urge to own all the geometry books I could find. I don’t remember ever doing geometry at school, I’m sure it was never classed as maths if I did. So the first […]
Den Building by Jane Hewitt and Cathy Cross
Den Building by Jan Hewitt and Cathy Cross Creating imaginative spaces using almost anything – book review This is wonderful book all about den making that encourages children to play freely and realize their own ideas. The easy to get hold of materials invite imagination into the building of dens and also in the play […]
Beetle Boy by M.G. Leonard
Beetle Boy by MG Leonard – book review. Beetle Boy is a new release from Chicken House, the first in a trilogy by MG Leonard. Book of the month in Waterstones It’s Waterstones book of the month for February and exclusive to them until general release in March. And I get to review it! […]
The Winter of our Disconnect
How Three Totally Wired Teenagers (and a Mother Who Slept with Her iPhone) Pulled the Plug on Their Technology and Lived to Tell the Tale. By Susan Maushart. A book review by Linda Coyle – speech and language therapist While I’m great at encouraging families I work with in my practise the value of reading, I’m […]