How to find Hearts in Nature Being able to improve observation skills begins with actually taking the time to look. We all love the Heart emoji, but lets free it from its smartphone home and see where it appears in natural form. Ten places to find Hearts in Nature Celandine The humble Celandine has always […]
Beechnut and Geometry
Many people love beechnuts and many people love geometry. But did you know you can experience them together? The beechnut and geometry. I have noticed that the shapes inside the beechnut resemble very closely the beginning constructions of geometry patterns. The geometry of seeds I love collecting seeds from trees. They always display such great […]
String, Straight-edge and Shadow
String, Straight-edge and Shadow The Story of Geometry by Julia E Diggins, Floris Books Mixing history and legend this intriguing book explores geometry’s greatest discoveries and through stories and illustrations explains the geometric principles which underpin mathematics in our world FLORIS BOOKS The tradition that we call GEOMETRY is so very much part of life […]
What are the Cross Quarter Days?
What are the Cross Quarter Days? Naturally, I love this because it’s all about the geometry of the world and its journey, the passing of time, and how we observe the journey of the seasons. The Wheel of the year goes as you can see in the geometry. the Solstices divide the year in half […]
Circles in Nature
Circles in Nature On the most simplistic level we see shapes, circles and symmetry in nature all around us. But that is not all, we can delve much deeper. There is no better place to observe the different scales and dimensions of the natural world than in the study of the circle in nature and […]