Making photographic style sun prints of natural objects. Those long heady days of summer seem to be drifting away. The kids are back behind desks and I realise there were so many activities I wanted to do with them during the summer that didn’t happen. All good intentions seem to have gotten lost in amongst […]
Nature journal for kids
Nature Journal for Kids The summer is upon us. Time to set up that holiday Nature Journal for kids. Every holiday I’ve ever been on as an adult I’ve taken a sketchbook with me, most of the time the promise of putting pencil to paper is always sidestepped in favour of doing something else (usually wine). Or the sheer […]
Nature crafts with leaves and seeds
Nature Crafts with leaves and seed heads Nature crafts for kids are a great way to encourage the observation and wonder of natural forms at any time of year. My favourite is in the autumn using the shapes of seed heads and leaves to make imprints into clay. The shapes and patterns become easier to see […]
Kids shell collection display
Every coat pocket has them in, and many gather at the rim of the washing machine having been tucked in jeans at the beach and then long forgotten about. Seashells, irresistable when they sparkle at the shoreline and I always feel rich when a have a handful of newly found shells. It is perhaps a more […]
The shapes and numbers of autumn
The Shapes and Numbers of Autumn Autumn is my favourite time of year not just because of the colours but also because of the collecting that can be done. Seed pods and the numbers of autumn are my sole concern at this time of year. The kids are collecting for their school nature tables. Out hunting […]