We see it all the time but most of the time don’t even realise it. Bilateral Symmetry in Nature. Most easily understood as Reflective Symmetry. Not to be confused with Rotational symmetry, Bilateral or Reflective symmetry is when the mirrored elements are arranged around a centre line. Idea 52 from 60 Wild ideas for Summer Holidays, Can […]
Snowflake Loom Bands. Instructions for how to make stunning snowflakes.
There are hundreds of cool things to make with loom bands, how do you choose? Snowflake Loom Bands are a seasonal choice. Snowflake Loom Bands I’ve been wanting to make these for a while. Fun Loom Bands can be full of creativity. They seemed the perfect medium to use for creating snowflake patterns and demonstrating the six […]
Bird Feathers by Ed Drewitt
Ed Drewitt is a naturalist, broadcaster and feather expert. He talks of his passion for collecting bird feathers. He explains the role of different types of feathers on the body of a bird. Ed’s interest for all things birds has led him to write ‘Urban Peregrines’. Inspired by Ed’s bird feathers collection? Why don’t you collect […]
What is Rotational Symmetry?
Thanks to an opportunity to collaborate with our friends in the Clonakilty Bike Festival, we are putting together an activity on ‘What is Rotational Symmetry?’. Details on the geometry of the pentagonal rotations available at Rotational symmetry of the Pentagon What is Rotational Symmetry? Repeated patterns around a fixed point. Rotational Symmetry can involve […]
Hexagon geometry in snowflakes
I love this image, it looks like the graveyard for all the old bits of the Starship Enterprise, everything is so chunky, like a construction kit that should fit together. What is it? It’s Snow Crystals at high magnification. Yes, bonkers, I know! The blue colours were added into the photograph for effect. Maybe this […]