During my study of number as form in nature I always slightly overlooked the number TWO and with it the understanding of the Dyad. It was the numbers THREE and SIX that always drew my fascination and after that I was drawn to the wonders of FIVE as an archetype in natural forms. Number Two […]
Dodecahedron: Regular Dimensions
hfcm id=”7″hfcm id=”8″ How many pentagons are in a Dodecahedron? The Dodecahedron is formed of 12 faces of regular pentagons. It is made up from 20 vertices, 30 edges and the 12 faces. It is termed regular because each face is a regular polygon, in this instance that polygon being the pentagon. In 3 dimensions […]
Rotational Symmetry of a Pentagon: Rotational Symmetry in Nature
hfcm id=”5″hfcm id=”6″ What is Rotational Symmetry? A Rotation is a transformation of a shape around a central point. Rotational Symmetry is when the rotated shape looks the same as in the original position. In the diagram here, the point of rotation is where the lines meet at the centre. The shape that’s rotated is […]
Beechnut and Geometry
Many people love beechnuts and many people love geometry. But did you know you can experience them together? The beechnut and geometry. I have noticed that the shapes inside the beechnut resemble very closely the beginning constructions of geometry patterns. The geometry of seeds I love collecting seeds from trees. They always display such great […]
The Beauty of Numbers in Nature
The Beauty of Numbers in Nature by Ian Stewart Seeing as finding numbers in nature is my passion it wouldn’t take much for me to rave about this book and I wasn’t disappointed. In ‘The Beauty of Numbers in Nature’ by Ian Stewart possesses an engaging writing style in an area that can be seen […]