Where are my Nature Settings? In this world of fast paced connectivity, I realised there was one connection that I’d lost. And I was missing it. It’s quiet absence had left me unbalanced. My health and mental well-being had plummeted and it took me a while to work out what was missing. Nature. But I […]
Messy Maths
Messy Maths by Juliet Robertson A Playful, Outdoor Approach for Early Years – Crown House Publishing I have always been a big fan of Juliet Robertson. Her Creative Star Learning website is a fountain of ideas for teaching outside. This book was as good as I hoped. It is a vital resource for teachers to […]
Trivium 21st Century
Trivium 21st Century by Martin Robinson, Crown House Publishing. Preparing young people for the future with lessons from the past. Trivium 21st Century by Martin Robinson has a surprising appeal, especially to those who may place themselves at the progressive end of the educational spectrum. You discover that Martin Robinson wants what we all want […]
How do Birds Fly? – the biomechanics of bird flight
How do birds fly? the biomechanics of bird flight for kids The biomechanics of how birds fly in 7 steps Its about different forces at work To get into the air, birds need to overcome forces that keep them on the ground on slow them down, with the help of other forces that are […]
Nature Words – Campanulate
Nature Words There are so many great nature words that describe what we see everyday. A new collaborator to The Smart Happy Project, Monique, runs a great blog and every month features new nature words to learn with children. I love these posts and she kindly agreed to write one especially for The Smart Happy […]