This article sheds some light onto what the Fibonacci Rabbit Riddle is. The Fibonacci rabbit riddle illustrates a self accumulating growth sequence. The origins of the riddle are quite interesting. It was actually a side note to a much bigger discovery Fibonacci had made which he was explaining in a book. This discovery is actually […]
Rotational Symmetry of a Pentagon: Rotational Symmetry in Nature
hfcm id=”5″hfcm id=”6″ What is Rotational Symmetry? A Rotation is a transformation of a shape around a central point. Rotational Symmetry is when the rotated shape looks the same as in the original position. In the diagram here, the point of rotation is where the lines meet at the centre. The shape that’s rotated is […]
String, Straight-edge and Shadow
String, Straight-edge and Shadow The Story of Geometry by Julia E Diggins, Floris Books Mixing history and legend this intriguing book explores geometry’s greatest discoveries and through stories and illustrations explains the geometric principles which underpin mathematics in our world FLORIS BOOKS The tradition that we call GEOMETRY is so very much part of life […]
Messy Maths
Messy Maths by Juliet Robertson A Playful, Outdoor Approach for Early Years – Crown House Publishing I have always been a big fan of Juliet Robertson. Her Creative Star Learning website is a fountain of ideas for teaching outside. This book was as good as I hoped. It is a vital resource for teachers to […]
The Artful Educator
The Artful Educator Creative, Imaginative and Innovative approaches to Teaching by Sue Cowley Explorers and Rebels The Artful Educator is aimed at teachers. This is a license to break the rules. It should come with a license certificate to cut out. As she says in the intro, a book for ‘explorers and rebels’ it helps educators […]