Galls; the shape shifters of the wasp world I discovered galls from a documentary about the oak tree.. since then I’ve been looking for them everywhere. My aim is to collect all the different types, but I might have to travel far flung places. To create Knopper galls the Gall Wasps lay eggs in the […]
Messy Maths
Messy Maths by Juliet Robertson A Playful, Outdoor Approach for Early Years – Crown House Publishing I have always been a big fan of Juliet Robertson. Her Creative Star Learning website is a fountain of ideas for teaching outside. This book was as good as I hoped. It is a vital resource for teachers to […]
Circles in Nature
Circles in Nature On the most simplistic level we see shapes, circles and symmetry in nature all around us. But that is not all, we can delve much deeper. There is no better place to observe the different scales and dimensions of the natural world than in the study of the circle in nature and […]
Sun prints of Natural objects
Making photographic style sun prints of natural objects. Those long heady days of summer seem to be drifting away. The kids are back behind desks and I realise there were so many activities I wanted to do with them during the summer that didn’t happen. All good intentions seem to have gotten lost in amongst […]
Nature journal for kids
Nature Journal for Kids The summer is upon us. Time to set up that holiday Nature Journal for kids. Every holiday I’ve ever been on as an adult I’ve taken a sketchbook with me, most of the time the promise of putting pencil to paper is always sidestepped in favour of doing something else (usually wine). Or the sheer […]